
Information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only.

Viewers are advised to research other sources comparing it with information provided in these Videos and pictures.

Such foraging information can be used to find edible plants.

I, Ken Wooldridge make no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of the material provided in these videos and pictures.

I assume no legal or other liability, or responsibility for any loss or injuries that may result from the use of information contained these videos and pictures.
Five basic foraging rules:
  1. Never forage or eat anything you cannot positively identify as safe
  2. Never pick endangered plant species
  3. Always protect plants and nature
  4. Only pick as much as you need and never take all the plants where you forage
    (This will give them time to recover and multiply.
    By doing that, you will be able to return back and forage again next season)
  5. At all times be careful of poisonous plants, snakes and insects.
    (A helpful website is - http://www.wilderness-survival.net/snake/1/)
  6. Only forage in unrestricted areas or obtain permission from a landowner to forage.

Honey Locust Tree (Seed Pods) - Gleditsiatriacanthos
  • Habitat: trees found in moist soil, river valleys and other places

  • Height: Upto 60 Feet tall trees, often very old.

  • Time(Season): Fall

  • Use: Seed pods may be dried and ground into sweet flour The paste in the pods may be scraped off and used like dates

  • Nutritional Value: contains proteins and carbohydrates

  • Seed: Long brown curved pods with a sweet date-like pulp inside


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