Online Evangelism
Online Evangelism Training is to help Christians spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ on the internet.
Today technology has drastically changed the way that current generations acquire and consume information.
Devices such as computers, laptops, smart-phones, and tablets have connected people all over the World in a new way. They can effectively be used as tools for the Kingdom of God.
* Interesting Statistics:
In 2016, 47% of the 3,424,971,237 people of the World used the internet.
That is 1.6 Billion People and growing and there are over 60 million Web sites.
It is certainly the most needed target area for spreading the Gospel and is a new kind of Soul winning Net.
More than 55 million people are searching for God around the world every month.
Today, more and more people are coming to faith in Christ by logging onto the World Wide Web.
It knows no
- Borders
- Travel and travel documentation issues
- Ethnic issues
- Time limitations
- Religious animosity
- It is Most Affordable!
Pray about the possibility of being an Online Evangelist!
What you will need, to be an online Evangelist.
- Be a dedicated Christian.
- Have a strong desire to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Have a device needed such as a computer, laptop, smart-phone, or tablet.
- Know how to use the device.
- Know how to email.
- Learn how to search online. (Google / Internet explorer)
- Learn how to save and paste information.
- Be willing to spend time learning and perfecting your skills.
- Be willing to spend time actually doing the Work.
- Persevere and enjoy the success of winning Souls for Jesus Christ.
- Continually update your knowledge and skills using the internet.
- Be someone who is very alert and careful when on the internet.
Before you proceed -
Read this disclaimer before proceeding with Online Evangelism Training.
The Author and Publisher assume no legal, other liability or responsibility;
- for any loss, that may result from you using information contained in this Online Evangelism Training.
- for any loss that you may experience doing Online Evangelism.
It is possible when doing Online Evangelism, that you may encounter viruses, scams and various other issues that may be harmful to you and cause loss.
You may also encounter sinful, evil and dangerous information on the internet. Be careful!
Read the following information in this Online Evangelism Training that is titled - “8. Be safe on the internet.” and “Red flags you should look for online:”
As an Online Evangelist
you can use the following tools to reach People for Christ:
- Gospel Tract videos that are most effective in sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Christian Videos of testimonies, teachings and sermons posted on the websites of YouTube that are excellent.
- Creating your own tracts
- Making a copy of your own Personal Testimony.
- Making a copy of the Testimony of Family and Friends about their -
- Salvation
- Restoration
- Healing
- Deliverance from Addiction
- God supplying a need
- A Marriage restored
- Providing someone an informative Christian Website that can help them in their specific need.
- Podcasts that can deliver the Gospel in a creative and interesting way.
This kind of Evangelism may attract and engage people who are unsaved or backslidden. People of different religions, walks of life, and places around the world. It should provide a clear message that is effective.
The three phases of your Online Ministry are:
- Reaching your personal Circle of Influence of at least 20 People.
Reaching your Family, Friends and Associates.
These are people you live with, visit, work with and know.
Sending them a Tract that may impact and change their lives and ask them to re-send it to the people they know.
List your Circle of influence
- Experiencing a continued multiplication process of outreach.
Have your Family, Friends and Associates also reach their Circle of influence.
Think of this possible scenario -
Each of them has at least 20 people in their Family, Friends and Associate Circle of influence.
These are people they live with, visit, work with and know.
Imagine each of them also re-sending a Tract to their 20.
That means you can potentially, quickly touch the lives of 400 people. (20x20=400)
- Continuing with an extended outreach.
- You may print your own Ministry Business Card
Then hand out at least one every day to someone -
(You can do this when shopping, paying a bill or in a public place.)
When you do that you can ask them if you can email them a tract;
If they say yes- Get their email address.
Then save and email a tract to them. It may change their life!
- Contact list
There are private individuals or businesses that have emails that they may be willing to let you have for spreading the Gospel.
- Mailing lists
Mailing lists may also be purchased online targeting a special group of people you want to reach.
Eight aspects of this online Ministry:
- The Challenge
Jesus said -
Mark 16:15-16
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved;
Matthew 4:19
Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
- The Tools
- Computer
- Laptop
- Smart-phone
- Tablet
Create your own tracts
- Personal Testimony
- The Testimony of others about -
- Salvation
- Healing
- Addiction and restoration etc.
Different language tracts I have used
Video Tracts in English I have used
- Method:
- Sending to an individual:
- Selecting the tool – Computer\Laptop\Smart-phone\Tablet.
- Knowing how to send
- Selecting the individuals name and email address
- Selecting the Tract or Message
- Pasting and sending it
Send it with a little note -
Dear … When I read this online tract it really impacted my life.
I thought I would share it with you. I hope you like it.
If so you may want to pass it on and send it to your family, friends and associates.
- Mass sending:
- Selecting the tool - Computer\Laptop\Smart-phone\Tablet.
- Knowing how to send
- Selecting the email addresses
- Selecting the Tract or Message
- Pasting and sending them.
I have added several online Tutorials that may be helpful to you in making this Ministry more effective.
YouTube Tutorials I have used on:
How to search the internet -
Go to -
How to save and paste information -
Go to -
Highlighting, saving and pasting a website in your email -
Go to -
How to send a Single email -
Go to -
How to send multiple emails -
Go to -
Go to -
- Organizing your Online Ministry:
- Select the day and time of Ministry
- Start doing it
- Selecting and preparing helpers later
- Pray and seek the help of the Holy Spirit
- Do all the necessary preparation to do it in excellence
- Prepare and use all the documentation you need for success
- Keep good records
- Create a financial plan and financial record system
- Online articles and videos.
Get a printed format of a subject needed
You may use the information that is freely available from our website
- Go to Online Bible College (at 24 Doctrines of the Bible.)
- Select the subject
- Select the information you need
- Save, paste and use.
- Go to What Jesus said
- Select the subject
- Select the information you need
- Save, paste and use.
You may also search and find useful Articles online on various subjects.
You may also find useful videos on YouTube.
- When following up with people online.
This may include the following:
- People who request more information.
- People that indicate that they want to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.(Email them the Sinners Prayer to recite and pray.)
- People that have made a decision for Christ. (Congratulate them and welcome them into the Family of God.)
- Then refer them to and let them go to “Become a Disciple of Jesus Christ.”
- Let them seek out a Bible based Church in their area. If needed, refer them to a reputable Online Church.
- Be safe on the internet.
The best way to be safe on the Internet is to keep your personal details private. Use passwords that include numbers, letters, and special characters. Vary your passwords per site. Use good hints with passwords and security questions that only you will know. Change them from time to time.
Be careful from where you download files.
Always check the legitimacy of websites when you search.
Never click on pop ups. People can steal your identity and information through this method, or you can unwittingly put adware or viruses on your computer.
Do not give out your personal details to strangers.
Don't give your full name, address, or phone number to anyone online who you don't trust or know. This is very important when visiting chat rooms.
Be careful when making friends on the internet.
There are many people who pretend to be someone they are not.
Red flags you should look for online:
People pretending to be someone you know.
People pretending to represent legitimate companies, such as your bank or stores where you've shopped.
People pretending to be another religious or help organization.
Someone who is not really spiritually needy and wants to fish for information
about yourself and who you represent.
- People who say embarrassing things.
- People who want to confuse you with trick questions.
- People who want to get your personal information.
There may be people who want to call you on the phone or visit you.
Be sure not to provide them that information. Be careful not to go beyond your Online Ministry to them. You may choose to refer them to another online Ministry or Church for further help or fellowship.
Don't fall prey to phishing scams.
These are messages that appear to be from legitimate companies, such as your bank or stores where you've shopped. Do not respond to them.
Limit the information you share on social media.
Most people use either Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn or other social media sites. Limit what you share online to protect your identity and privacy. Sharing this kind of information can result in identity theft. Don't post pictures with something that might give away where you are, including school logos or signs.
Use an anti-virus program, anti-spyware program and a firewall.
When surfing the internet without these is unsafe. Trojans, spyware, malware, viruses and hackers can make you vulnerable to identity theft and invasions of your privacy. They can significantly bog down your computer and slow your processor. Be careful. Even though you think you might be safe, hackers can still find you and track you down using your Internet Protocol (IP) address. Beware of hackers in games and scammers.
There is a price to pay when Ministering. It may include being misled, ridiculed and persecuted.
Jesus said -
Luke 9:23
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
2 Timothy 2:12
“If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him:”
If necessary, be willing to pay the price of Online Evangelism!
Take a look at the price that others have paid for the Gospel -
Look at these videos on YouTube -
A special request to you:
If you decide to join the many Online Evangelists who have embarked on this eternally rewarding Ministry – Please let us know!
Go online and contact us -'s contact page
I have added the Online Evangelism Contacts List to help you keep good records.
Online Evangelism Contacts List